Love conquers all



And one day I hope you’re lucky enough to find love the way I did, afraid. although I was afraid I still found hope. I found that hope in love. it stumbled upon me when I was at my lowest. when I was dragging someone along that didn’t want my love. you see love seems to be dark and dull. unfair and cruel. but yet we all want it. so we settle for what’s in front of us. we settle for the illusion of love. the type of love that when we need it, it’s not really there. so we surround ourselves with darkness and negative energy, but yet a light seems to shine. that light is still hopeful for real love. you see the tricky thing with love is when you work so hard to keep it together it’s bound to fall apart when one side stops building. so you let it crumble. when you let it crumble, you sit in your misery. while you sit in misery someone new starts to rebuild what was left and broken of yours. the unbeautiful pieces you no longer found useful or good enough. those broken pieces then became a work of art to someone you never knew. these broken pieces then became love. the type of love that blindsides you at the worse time. the type of love you didn’t see happening but unveils right in front of your eyes. it naturally forms, there were no questions asked, there was no doubt. the illusion has become a reality and that reality is standing in front of you and it’s name is love. you see love dominants all. we all want it and yearn for it. but we can’t go out searching for it, love has to find us. and when that love finds you, you’ll know. oh you’ll know! because no matter how down in the pits you are, love conquers all.

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